01. River Basin Programme (RBP): MMS is implementing the River Basin Program in Chowhali Upazila of Sirajgonj district since 1997 through a long-term partnership with OXFAM-GB. At present its 4th phase is ongoing, which has started in 2004. The 4th phase of RBP has been developed on the basis of lessons learned through previous phases to reduce the vulnerability of the poorest community, increase disaster preparedness capacity, improve livelihood opportunity, change policy and practices to vulnerability and improves relief and rehabilitation for the char dwellers. The present RBP has been designed for (2004-2007) years. MMS covered 58 villages of 7 unions under Chowhali upazila in this phase.


02. Flood Proofing Project (FPP) 

03. SHOUHARDO (Strengthening Household Abilities to Respond to Development Opportunities):  

MMS has taken the initiative to consolidate its experience and skill to work more effectively for disaster management under SOUHARDO Program to reduce food insecurity for the poor and vulnerable peoples. The project area is 60 villages of 15 unions of 03 upazila under Sirajgonj district. The 03 Upazilas are Siarjgonj Sadar, Shahjadpur and Chowhali under Sirajgonj District. Poorest households within the intervention areas of the project are the Primary Stakeholders of SHOUHARDO program. Implementing NGO, CBOs, Groups, Committees, Volunteers, Local Leaders, Local Govt. and service providers at upazila and district levels are included as secondary stakeholder.

04. End Violence Against Women (EDVAW):  Manab Mukti Sangstha (MMS) has given emphasis on women empowerment and women rights issue in its development activities since its inception. Gender development is a cross cutting issue incorporated in all the programs/projects of MMS. End Violence Against Women (EDVAW) is funded by OXFAM-GB to empower the awareness, mobilize and involve the community to prevent the violence against women. The project is being implemented in 57 villages of 8 unions under the upazila of Sirajgonj Sadar, Belkuchi and Chowhali.

05. Narir Khamatawona  Adhiker Shangrakhan Project (NKAS): In addition to the End Violence Against Women Project MMS implemented “Narir Khomotayone Adhikar Sangrakkan”- NKAS (Women empowerment through establishment of their rights) Project under the financial assistance of Manusher Jonno (MJ). The goal of the project is to reduce violence against women and gender discrimination in family and community level. All members of the organized groups of MMS, poor family members in the community, especially household head, housewives, adolescents and disabled are the primary stakeholders of the project. Project Staff, Local level GO/NGO officials, local elite, civil society members, Like-minded NGO, Male/female members of the Union Parishad etc


06. Char Livelihood Programme-CLP

Project Duration: August’ 2011 to March’2016

Funding agency: GOB, Aus Aid & UK Aid.

Focused area: The project focuses on assets building and create livelihood options, providing infrastructure, encouraging social development, offering social protection, promoting enterprise, improving access to health and education, innovation, monitoring and learning process.

Stakeholders: Hardcore poor, widow, divorcee, disable, UPs and local administration.

Covered beneficiaries: During reporting period total 4986 families have been benefited those who are hardcore poor-owning no homestead land and having no access to agricultural or productive land. All the beneficiaries were organized into 655 groups, each group was formed by 20-30 members where 225 were social development groups, 419 VSLA, 11 milk producer association, and 380 model poultry farmers and fodder producers.

Covered area: The project has been implemented in 71 villages of 10 unions of Nagorpur, Tangail Sadar, Kalihati & Bhuapur upazila under Tangail district.

Major components: Core participants Group, village development committee and Adolescent group formation, provide training on social awareness for hygiene behavior change intervention and social problems, homestead plinth raising, assets transfer, nutrition education, homestead gardening, fodder cultivation, poultry and milk production, market linkage, primary health care and family planning, tub-well and latrine installation, cash stipend and social safety net, support emergency grant, provide capacity building (training) of target beneficiaries.


  • Almost 4986 beneficiaries have been crossed the ultra poor level in terms of livelihoods improvement, health and sanitation situation, awareness building, infrastructure development and primary health care.
  • All households are now free from disaster risk along with security of their poultry, cattle and other domestic assets.
  • Reduced diseases and death of pregnant mother and new born babies through effective implementation of primary health care activities.
  • Different types of vegetables are being produced round the year, and increased intake of micro-nutrient and rich food.
  • Increased women access to family decision making process, increase mobility, develop relationship between her husband in a satisfactory level.

07. Resilience through Economic Empowerment and Climate Adaptation, Leadership, Learning-REECALL

Project Duration: April 2010-November 2017                    Funding agency: Oxfam-GB

Focused area: The project focuses on climate change adaptation, women empowerment, alternative leadership among target beneficiaries and market linkage.

Stakeholders: Hardcore poor, poor, widow, divorcee, disable, UPs and local administration

reecallCovered beneficiaries: During reporting period total 1500 families have been covered those who are hardcore poor and poor.

Covered area: The project has covered 3 unions of Sirajganj Sadar and Chowhali upazila under Sirajganj district.

Major components: CBO formation, participatory community risk assessment, homestead raising, poultry, goat and cow rearing, homestead gardening,  farming and off-farming activities, tube well and latrine installation, as well as awareness raising and capacity building of target beneficiaries.


  • Almost 200 households are free from disaster risks. Their poultry, cattle and other domestic assets are safe now.
  • Increased vegetable production at household level round the year, and pp- vegetable consumption.
  • CBOs are doing advocacy with local government and other service providing agencies for quality services as well as leading the community
  • Developed skilled volunteers who are now providing livestock and agriculture services, disseminating early warning message during disaster.


09.Vulnerability to Resilience-V2R Pluse :

 MMS has been implementing V2R project with the technical and financial assistance of Practical Action under 06 unions of Belkuchi, Tarash and Sadar Upazila under Sirajgonj District and covered 1250 family and all the beneficaireis were organzied into 12 CBO’s where 750 are hardcore poor and 500 are porr and marginalized family and project duration April 2009-March 2014. The project focuses on disaster preparedness, livestock, agriculture, firm and off-firm activities, agro-processing, infrastructure development, water and sanitation, and entrepreneurship development.  Major components: Group and CBO formation, participatory community risk assessment, homestead raising, poultry, goat and cow rearing, homestead gardening, agro-processing, farming and off-farming activities, tube well and latrine installation, evacuation, distribution of boat ambulance to CBOs as well as awareness raising and capacity building of target beneficiaries.

10. TAM TAM:


11. Survivors Network for Prevention and Better Inclusion (SNPBI)

With the financial and technical assistance of ASF MMS has been implementing SNPBI Project form 2012 and project would be continued up to 2014. The projects focused on Mainstreaming acid survivors within the society, reduce acid violence by reactivating local administration and mass awareness. Acid survivors, local administration, journalist and public prosecutors are main stakeholder under this project. Total 162 acid survivor families are being benefited from this project. The project has covered 7 upazilas of Sirajganj district. and major components are Mass awareness raising against acid violence, treatment, IGA supports, national and regional conference, advocacy with district administration, journalist and other professionals as well as social mobilization against acid violence.

12. Amar Odhikar Campaign    

Project Duration: 2012- 2015                         

Funding agency: AOC

Focused area: The project focuses on quality education

Stakeholders: Students, Teachers, SMC and guardians

Covered area: Sadar Upazila in Sirajgonj

Major components: Workshop on syllabi and materials reviewing, signature campaign on quality primary education, awareness raising and capacity building of SMC, teachers and guardians.

Outcomes/results: To be updated.

13. Vulnerability to Resilience-V2R Pluse : 

 MMS has been implementing V2R project with the technical and financial assistance of Practical Action under 06 unions of Belkuchi, Tarash and Sadar Upazila under Sirajgonj District and covered 1250 family and all the beneficaireis were organzied into 12 CBO’s where 750 are hardcore poor and 500 are porr and marginalized family and project duration April 2009-March 2014. The project focuses on disaster preparedness, livestock, agriculture, firm and off-firm activities, agro-processing, infrastructure development, water and sanitation, and entrepreneurship development.  Major components: Group and CBO formation, participatory community risk assessment, homestead raising, poultry, goat and cow rearing, homestead gardening, agro-processing, farming and off-farming activities, tube well and latrine installation, evacuation, distribution of boat ambulance to CBOs as well as awareness raising and capacity building of target beneficiaries.


13. Project Name: (PCSV):  Promoting Climate Smart Villages for improved food & nutrition security in Char and Haor regions, the two most vulnerable fragile eco-systems of Bangladesh.

Project Duration:  From September 2015 to August 2018

Funding Agency: BMZ & Welthungerhilfe (WHH)

Focused Area: Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Climate Adaptive Technology, Livelihood & Nutrition


Poor & extreme poor families, mother & child, Local government, District & Upazila Administration including Government Line Department & also Donor part

Covered beneficiaries: 5147 (Female 4187 & Male 960)

Covered Area:   Bagutia, Omarpur, Sthal & Sadiachandpur unions in Chowhali Upazila under Serajgonj District.

Major Component:

 Self Help Group Meeting (SHG), VDAP ( Village Development & Adaptation Plan), FFS (Farmer Field School),  Demonstration Plot,  Adaptation technologies,  Homestead gardening, PLA (Participatory learning & Action) session, ANC & PNC Cheek up, Child screening, Nutrition camp, Food, Nutrition & Agriculture Fair


14. Project Name: Regional Program for Promoting Multi-Sectoral Approaches for Nutrition Smart Villages in Bangladesh, Nepal and India:

Project Duration:  1 September, 2018 to 30 August, 2020

Funding agency: welthungerhilfe and BMZ


In Bangladesh the project is Messra & Kalia Horipur Unions of Sirajganj Sadar Upazila under Sirajganj District. 30 villages will be transformed into Nutrition Smart Villages. The project is covering 6368 households with a population of 29,353. 3450 in the age group of 15-49 years and 24,00 children in the age group of 0-5 years is benefiting from the participatory learning and action cycles and agricultural demonstrations, improved care practices leading to improvements in nutrition, dietary diversity, hygiene and health. 30 village level extension workers, from agriculture, health & nutrition and WASH  will be trained to practice LANN+. The extension workers, will be advocating and pushing forward a better multi-sectoral integration and convergence of government development programmes with regards to nutrition at local level.  30 higher level government staff, political representatives at sub district, district and national level will be sensitized on the importance of the multi-sectoral approach to fight against hunger and malnutrition through better integration between agriculture, nutrition and WASH interventions.  The 30 villages belong to the poorest and backward regions of the country.

Covered area:

10 Villages in Kalia Haripur and 20 Villages in Mesra Union under Sirajganj Sadar Upazila of Sirajganj district.

Overall objective (Impact):   

To contribute to food and nutrition security (SDG 2) amongst women of reproductive age and young children from vulnerable and food insecure families in Nepal, Bangladesh and India.

 Project purpose (Outcome):

  • Scale up cost-effective evidence based, sustainable nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions for all, with focus on women and children.
  • Increase human and institutional capacity to manage nutrition programs at national and sub-national level.
  • Solicit high level political commitment to improve nutrition governance, strengthen programme planning, and implement multi-sectoral policies and plans addressing all determinants of under nutrition.
  • Increase effectiveness and accountability of stakeholder’s implementing nutrition interventions through a coherent monitoring framework, reporting and knowledge management system.

Major activities are;

  • Baseline-Study
  • Adjustment of LANN+ approach to a counseling approach reflecting the local situation
  • “Training of Trainers (ToTs)“ of NGO staff and government master trainers in LANN+ PLA- methodology
  • Implementation of PLA-cycles with local population in 260 villages
  • Support of government authorities in running nutrition camps enabeling children suffering from malnutrition to recover.
  • Support of Farmer Field Schools
  • Development of integrated cropping systems
  • Support in installing nutrition-gardens for families with undernourished children
  • Strengthening of community institutions for improved monitoring of the nutritional situation
  • Development of nutrition-sensitive and climate friendly micro-plans and support in implementing pilot projects in WASH
  • Establishment of collaborative bodies on district- and sub-district-level for government and civil society in order to improve nutrition sensitive micro-planning
  • Establishment of a regional platform for civil society organisations to promote knowledge exchange, transfer of best practices and Advocacy on national and SAARC level
  • Implementation of Advocacy-Workshops on local and national level
  • Planning and review workshops
  • Final evaluation

Expected Change/Result: 

Result 1:               Knowledge, awareness and practices of extension workers and relevant authorities as well as target households on diet diversity, maternal-child care, nutrition sensitive agriculture and WASH are improved.

Result 2:               Improved availability of diverse foodstuffs for households, particularilly for women and children by fostering nutrition-sensitive and climate friendly agriculture

Result 3:               Community based organizations, village level institutions and local government bodies in target areas are capacitated to access government programmes and entitlements

Result 4:               Enhanced access of government and development actors to data, evidence, information and knowledge on replicable models to guide multi-sectoral programming towards better nutrition.


  • 15 to 49 years age women.
  • Under 05 Children.
  • Parents/Care Giver of under 5 children.
  • Marginal Farmers.
  • extension worker from the department of Health, Family Planning, Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock.
  • Higher Govt. official from the department of Health, Family Planning, Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock.
  • UP standing committee on Education, Health and Family Planning.
  • UP standing committee on WASH.
  • UP standing committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock.
  • Union Parishad.
  • People with special need

